Friday, November 2, 2018

Hi everyone! I'm just making a quick post as I've started a new blog over at Livejournal (why yes, Sue Donym is my pseudonym - I'm clever as a potato) to chronicle my new adventures in home-brewing, fermenting, culturing and pickling/canning. So far, it's a whoooole lot of posts about brewing as I'm using it in part to journal what I learn and log what I want to do in the future. I have a 2 gallon batch of Oktoberfest bottled and ready to drink, a 2 gallon batch of blueberry lager I just bottled yesterday, a 1 gallon batch of blueberry mead in the works and sometime today or tomorrow I will be starting a 2 gallon batch of either a berry saison, a grapefruit gose, or a milk stout, depending. Haven't decided which, yet! And at some point down the line I'm going to start a 5 gallon batch of IPA infused with orange. I've learned so much and am learning more every day and having a ton of fun.

Here's some pics of what I've been working on. I haven't got any of the Oktoberfest as I've been too busy drinking it, but the other two I have photos of. :)

Blueberry mead (technically, fruit mead is called a melomel) - honey, yeast, water, orange juice,whole orange slices (with peel) and blueberries. Here's a fresh batch, ready for fermenting - yeast hasn't settled yet.

And this is the mead after only 5 hours of fermenting. I used an ale yeast (because reasons, there are reasons, I promise) and ale yeast is a top-fermenter, so that cake at the top of the container is the yeast and all is as it should be. I love this color!

Blueberry lager on bottling day (you're not supposed to put beer in clear bottles [yes, Corona, I said it] but these were free :P). Gotta love the mix-and-match of used beer bottles in home-brewing.

While the new blog is pretty much all about brewing right now (beer, mead, and the cider and ginger beer I hope to make soon) I do plan to expand my hobby in the future to not only start utilizing wild yeast to create starters for sour beer and sourdough bread, but also get back into pickling/canning and other fermenting/culturing. I think. So far, beer takes up a lot of time. But is a lot of fun!

If these processes are your jam, please join me over at Livejournal.
