Sit, children, and let me regale you with the epic tale of me trying to find a pharmacy (kusuriya). It was really difficult, considering that I know perfectly well how to say 「Where is the pharmacy?」 - 「Kusuriya wa doko desu ka?」 (Those bars on either side of the sentence are quote marks in Japanese - I`m on a Japanese keyboard right now which requires some compromise for use). I needed some asprin and I stopped at three conbinis and a su-pa, and none of them had the brand the clerk at the hostel recommended (Bufferin, as it turns out, but she wrote it all down in Kanji so I had no idea it was Bufferin). When I finally DID find a Kusuriya, it was closed. So I stopped at a Kouban (sort of like a mini-police station, most neighborhoods have one every few blocks) to ask for directions, but the policeman was absent... So... Then I sort of wandered around and asked a shopkeep where a Kusuriya was, and finally found one. Yay for asprin.
Feeling better, and now I`m off to the aquarium!
Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and descriptions. It almost feels as if I am there with you. You, girl, are a writer!